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Current Events Earth Day

Earth Day


April 22, 2011

This is an assignment that I did and it was for the subject Current Events. We pick an article from Newsademic and write a summary, connection, questions, eight thinking hats and insert a photo.


               Around the world on April 22 Earth Day was celebrated. This day is organized by the Earth Day Network. This main reason for this day is to aware and respect the environment. Environmentalists say that Earth Day should not be a day when we think about the environment once a year, it is actually a day to think of our responsibilities towards the environment. The first Earth Day was invented by an American politician in 1970. The highlight campaign was called ” Billion acts of green”. Network claims that big changes can happen when we all take part of Earth Day. Any act such as riding a bike to school.


This reminds me of my ”role of responsibility, recycler” because we are making a change and we are help the school by collecting recyclable paper around the elementary school area.


1. Who is the Earth Day Network?

2. Who started the Earth Day Network?

3. Why isn’t Earth Day everyday?

Picture found on motivationalblog.net

8 Thinking Hats

Black hat – This is bad because this event started in such a later time.

White hat – On April 22nd, Earth Day took place all around the world.

Red hat- I feel happy because there is a special day for us to reflect our behavior to the world.

Yellow hat – This is good because we are actually caring about the world very much.

Blue hat – I think that we were thinking about our actions because we created a day for Earth.

Green hat – Maybe everyday can be Earth Day.

Purple hat – I value this day because we are thinking all about the environment.

Orange hat – I found this day interesting because who would have thought of a day only for the world.

2 Responses to “Current Events Earth Day”

  1. Why is this dated in two ways? Where is your response to the latest edition of Newsademic? This article is not current.

  2. Good summary. Explain how recycling is connected. Why do we recycle? What happens? What are the benefits of recycling? Your black hat thinking does not make any sense. Two of your questions are really the same thing aren’t they? Other thinking hats are better!

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