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Current Events Microsoft buys Skype

Microsoft buys Skype

May 10th, 2011

Newsademic Issue #145


On May 10 Microsoft has announced that they will purchase Skype, the internet telephone and video call company. Microsoft is one of the world`s most successful companies in the world. Last year Microsoft had sales up to $62.5 billion and $19 billion dollars was the profit they made. They sold Skype for $8.5 billion dollars. Some people think that the price was too high others disagree but anyways the company was doing bad so the business in the future will go better. So far Microsoft has been having trouble inventing new programs on the internet. Currently Skype has 170 million users.


This reminds me when my mom is contacting my grandmother with Skype on a Windows computer created by Microsoft. This also reminds me when I am doing my homework on our family computer and my brothers friends going on and offline.


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Found in psdesignzone.com

Thinking Hats

Black hat – This is bad because Microsoft lost a lot of money to get just 1 program.

White hat – On May 10, Microsoft has bought Skype for $8.5 billion dollars.

Yellow hat – This can be good because Skype can be improved by Microsoft.

Red hat – I feel as if that Skype might have made a bad choice because Microsoft could also make it worst.

Blue hat – I think that economics are much more that I thought.

Green hat – Maybe they can just work together as 2 companies.

Orange hat – This was interesting because I thought that Skype was doing well.

Purple hat – I believe that Skype should not have sold it but it was a smart choice.

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