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Cicadas Return Current Events

Cicadas Return


May 19, 2011


In the southern American areas the cicadas have returned. Adult cicadas are usually 2-5 centimeters long. The cicadas eat the sap from trees and have big eyes and small antenna. The cicadas lay their eggs in branches and trees. They make a loud buzzing noise. These animals have no harm to humans, they do not sting or bit but they fly around humans and they annoy them very much. They get into people houses and they can be even be stuck in their hair. But they can also protect plants. They are emerging and they are living for a short amount of time.


This reminds me of during the summer because I always see dead cicadas and them buzzing. This also reminds me of the first grade project about bugs. My partner and I were assigned to research cicadas.

Found in igetinfo4u.com


Where do they do if they are not in USA?

Why are these bugs so important?

Why do the bugs have different colors?

Thinking Hat

Black hat – This is bad because the bugs are very annoying.

White hat – The cicada bugs have come back to the Southern USA, and many other places.

Red hat – I feel happy because these harmless creatures are saving our crops.

Yellow hat – This sometimes good for the cicadas only being here in the Summer.

Blue hat – I think that these creature can actually change our eco system.

Green hat – Maybe there can be a cicada center for homeless cicadas.

Orange hat – I think that this is interesting because these animals can be found rare.

Purple hat – I value this insect because they are helping crops.

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